The Future and Present

Acyuta Jr.
3 min readSep 26, 2020
The White Sky For Untainted Pureness.

Greetings my future readers, I wrote this “thing” both for college’s assignment and for future references of myself — if someday I stand up above.

Allow me to introduce my current identity — if it shall change in the near future — before I indulge you with my writings. It is written as Acyuta Hafizh Nurfadlulloh Pramantyo Jr. in the birth certificate, but people mostly call me Jojo, Jeje, J, and for some, Jontor. Quite the weird one right? I was born in Prabumulih, a small town filled with all kinds of people, a nice place actually, if not for the fact that it’s a bit far from the airport. I was born with a cute lil’ sister, a smol and chubby one.

I used to be a timid one, always been afraid of changes, depressed even by the single mistake. But someone always had their turning point in life right? I’m no exception either, well in short all the things that happened in the past finally reach a breaking point — the day where my dull and lifeless world gained a hint of life.

Ever since then, I became a bit aware of my surroundings, what happens around me, what’s going on in the world, and to be honest the world that materialize in front of me is the polar opposite of what I imagine it to be. Why? There are a lot of things and stuff that can be considered the underlying problem, but for me the most crucial part is the lack of honesty.

People change, and so does our mind, living in this kind of “dog-eat-dog” world for a period of time can certainly affect our mind. The competition and pressure forces us to constantly keep our guard and in some extreme cases, use whatever means necessary to survive. This may seems abstruse and difficult to rectify. However, the crux of the problem is actually very simple, guess what it is. Greed. Not the usual kind of greed where we focus on wanting more than what we deserve, but greediness where we don’t want to lose even a single coin of what we already had, while at the same time justifying any methods available to achieve what we desire because of our unwillingness to sacrifice something in return of it. Sounds clear right?

So, what should we do? what can I do as a college’s student? what kind of role can I utilize to remedy the already deteriorating situation? A great person once said, “Learn to start from the tiny bits, then slowly make your way up until a single sentence from you can move the world”. Anything’s possible, and by using this problem as the foundation, I built my visions and missions, my plans for the future me.

How can I affect the world or its component? I see 2 roads ahead of me, the first is to become an exceptional and influential leader or public figure, by becoming one, I can remedy this issue — even if it doesn’t work on global scale, I’ll still try to make it happen in the place where I currently stand. The second method is to become one of, if not, the world’s best consultant. Consultant can both directly or indirectly affect how a country, a corporation works, his words are considered gold, and it’s exactly what I’ll utilize as my main tools on my path to make this world a better place. “You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain”, this statement will become my bottom line for the upcoming future.

*Sigh*, it saddens me to say this: “Every encounter has an ending, and every ending will lead to a new encounter”, it’s been a pleasure to accompany you guys on this little story and aspirations of mine, my sincerest apology if there are any kinds of misconceptions or misgivings brought forth from my writing.
Muchas Gracias a todos!

